Keepsake #44

“I know if I focus on being like Jesus I will be less of a stumbling block to others.” Written April 17, 2019.

Today is December 24, 2021.  The past couple of weeks have been very interesting. Minor arguments with my daughter, a couple of my sons were feeling discouraged about stuff, one of my sons tested positive for COVID so he won’t be coming home for Christmas. That’s stuff just with my hubby and children. There are other things that friends and family are going through. Sometimes it seems like life is not fun.

I wanted to get out and be alone. I felt so low that I decided I would drive around listening to Christmas music and look at lights. It is something I do with my daughter. The boys stopped being interested in that as they got older. However, before I started getting my shoes on I heard a whisper that said: 

“Olivia, remember that I am the older person in your relationship with your daughter and no matter how old she gets she will always need your training. It will look different.” So, I sent her the following text. 

“ I am going driving to listen to Christmas music and look at the lights because I feel bummed about Joe not coming for Christmas. I was tempted to not invite you because I didn’t like the way you spoke to me. I also know you already went and saw lights with your friend so I wasn’t going to offer for you to come with me. Regardless I want you to know that we look forward to going to see the Christmas lights together. I understand if you don’t want to go. I am getting ready now.” 

Her response: “I coming one second”

As soon as she got in the car, she asked if she could say something and she apologized for her actions. She realized she had something else going on and unleashed her frustration on me. As we drove, my son Joseph who tested positive with COVID called. He informed me that his roommates will not be going to their house for Christmas either and they all were a bit bummed so he hesitantly and kindly asked if I was willing to get them some dinner for Christmas. I don’t think he completely finished his sentence when I said passionately: “I WILL LOVE TO. 110%” 

Honestly, I felt relieved when I said that. I smiled, I cried. I think he was a bit surprised by my reaction. I shared with him that I was bummed about him spending Christmas alone because of COVID but I am so happy that I can do something to encourage him. 

Once I got off the phone, my daughter said, “I am glad to have encouraged you.” She then began to share the various things that were troubling her. It was a nice time chatting and connecting with her as she faces adulting!

I woke up the next morning joyfully. Although nothing was turning out as planned, everything looked different this Christmas. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to read to set my heart for the day, so I decided to read the next highlighted excerpt from my prayer.  It was exactly what I needed. “I know if I focus on being like Jesus I will be less of a stumbling block to others.” April 17, 2019. It put a smile on my face. 

I can do a lot of reading, spend hours and hours of deep Bible study; however, unless I focus on being like Jesus I won’t be able to be there for others, I would become a stumbling block as they live life. 

In Matthew 20:25-28, you find Jesus' response to a mother’s request for her sons to be placed in an important sitting position. 

“When the ten others heard about this, they lost their tempers, thoroughly disgusted with the two brothers. So Jesus got them together to settle things down. He said, “You’ve observed how godless rulers throw their weight around, how quickly a little power goes to their heads. It’s not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not be served—and then to give away his life in exchange for the many who are held hostage.” (MSG) 

Jesus answers this mother, that if you really want your sons to be great teach them to serve, teach them to be givers. That’s what he was all about. 

Focusing on Jesus helps me move forward and help others move forward by not focusing on me but focusing on how he lived and he lived to give.

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 NIV


P.S I was able to deliver to Joe and his friends a home cooked meal. They loved it and were so grateful for it! 


I have a choice.


Keepsake #42