Keepsakes #4.

“Dear God, good morning. I just want to thank you for giving me another day to work hard to glorify you. I feel blessed to wake up and think about my life's purpose. It excites me to know that I can get up and help people; it’s such an exciting thing to do...”  July 14, 1997.

It’s been 24 years since I wrote that prayer. I can’t remember the last time I prayed like that. What happened? What changed?

As a mom of two toddlers at that time,  my time to be focused on serving or helping other people was limited, yet my gratefulness to be a disciple created in me a heart to live intentionally regardless of my circumstances. As a baby christian, it was easy to focus on God’s calling for my life more than the circumstances of my daily life. 

Going over these prayers reminds me of what it looks like to my life with purpose instead of being another spectator in a world where so many are suffering. 

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3: 22-23. NIV.

One of the definitions of consumed is: extinct forever. Wow! Because of God's love and compassion I have not been extinguished forever. Overcoming my difficulties is the product of God's mercy, compassion, faithfulness and love surrounding me like a shield that prevents the enemy from consuming me during my difficult times.

Over the years I have struggled to remember how much people need to hear scriptures like Lamentations 3:22-23, as much as I did in 1997 and continue to need till this day.  

I didn’t struggle in 1997 when I had no title, no therapy, no help working on childhood trauma, no certification, and no books published. I was okay to just be a servant of God. Sadly, in my day to day living I can become more focused on finding solutions than seeking first the One who provides them. 

Although I am able to teach how God has transformed my heart, God often needs to take me on journeys to remind me of the elementary truths all over again starting with feeling grateful that I am a tool he uses to help people.  

Focusing on the circumstance comes natural to me. Focusing on God…that takes work!

I look forward to praying again in the mornings: 

“Thank you for giving me another day to work hard to glorify you. I feel blessed to wake up and think about my purpose in life. It excites me to know that I can get up and help people. It’s such an exciting thing to do…” 

Thank you for reading! 


Keepsake #5


Keepsake #3